Friday, 30 January 2009

Jamie & His Bacon

I watched Jamie Oliver's programme on pig farming on TV last night. Although he drives me round the twist with his 'mockney geezer' routine I appreciate what he's trying to do.

The vast majority of people in the UK probably have no idea of the realities of meat & dairy farming and the effect many of their common practises have on the farming industry, the environment, animal welfare and on the health of those consuming animal products. My reaction to learning about this issue was to become vegetarian and later vegan as I don't see any way of being able to feel sure that the animal products available in the shops are ethically produced and safe to eat. I also just love eating vegetarian and vegan food.

Maybe veganism isn't for everyone though & I respect Jamie Oliver's approach too. If people do want to eat meat and dairy products at the very least they ought to be able to make informed choices, to know where their meat/dairy products have come from, how the farm animals were cared for and/or slaughtered and that the produce is safe to eat.

Right. I'm off my soapbox now.

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