Saturday 23 January 2010

Rules rules.

I’ve wanted to go to Rules ever since reading Graham Greene’s ‘End of the Affair’. It’s London’s oldest restaurant & has always seemed very glamorous and romantic to me.

Sadly, as a vegan, I don’t think I’ve got much chance of eating there. Their menu favors nursery food like steak & kidney pudding with not a vegetarian, never mind a vegan dish in sight.

I’d pretty much given up on the idea of going there until I heard that they have a little known cocktail bar upstairs.

P & I decided to check it out & found that on a cold & rainy January night it was a little haven of warmth, peace and quiet. As the prices are pretty steep, we managed to nurse a single cocktail each for an hour & a half.

I had a Rules Royale which involved champagne, vodka, violet liqueur & crystallized violet petals.

Paul had something with champagne, gin & Poire William which was very tasty too. The bill came to just under £30 (ouch). It’s pricey but a really lovely place for a special treat!

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