Sunday 17 May 2009

Pink Chive Vinegar

These gorgeous things are chive blossoms. Not only are they beautiful, they were also free and are going to make me something delicious.

I indulged in a spot of freeganism this weekend. This windowbox was planted by a long-departed tenant in our block. Some of the herbs have died off but happily the lovage and the chives keep coming back year after year. No one uses them except me. I've been waiting for the chive flowers to be fully in bloom before I took my scissors to them.

A bit of a rinse to get rid of any dirt & insects makes them ready to use.

I stuffed as many as I could fit into a preserving jar & filled it up with white wine vinegar. The jar goes into a dark cupboard for a week. When it comes out I should have a bright pink, subtley chive scented vinegar to use in salad dressings.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Such pretty things.
Bless Mr O's soul.